Whoops, there it is!


I prepared this post last night and it wasn’t even all that late when I did it.  I had it scheduled for posting at 6:00 am PST and this morning when I came to view the post found that I completely forgot to title it or even write anything about it.  That’s a first.

Now that I’ve said all that, I don’t think I have anything to say about the photo anyway!


Filed under nature, photography

13 responses to “Whoops, there it is!

  1. don

    I like the focus on the snow crusted limb which makes a fine frame for the remainder of the smaller branches. Works for me. Nice one.

  2. Great contrast. the falling snow on your page makes it even better!

  3. Hehehehe….funny…that sounds like something I would do! Looks like you have had snow, snow and more snow too!

  4. Ha ha You are so funny, Toni. I love your accompanying words, you always put a smile on my face.

    I posted one recently and then realised it was the wrong month!!! Ha ha I blame it on the age, the alcohol, the cats, global warming… anything in fact other than silly old fool syndrome!

    This is a lovely photograph. The bark colourfully peeking through is a joy and the snow tracing an icy line along the branch is really beautiful

  5. I really like this shot. I like the colors in the branch and how they contrast with the snow.

    Also I have a quick question about your lensbaby lens that you got recently. I have been thinking of getting one and I like your photos that you have taken with it so I figured I would ask which one of the lensbaby lenses you have as their seems to be several of them when I was looking online for them. Thanks!

  6. ELK

    your inspiring as usual Toni with humor on top…I like the title!

  7. ELK

    your inspiring as usual Toni with humor on top…I like the title! and the photo of course!!

  8. lol Toni…

    Reminds me of one I was doing manually about a month ago and I put in the title, selected the categories, had all the writing in, and clicked upload when a message popped up telling me nothing was chosen, so nothing was uploaded…can you believe I told that on the web about myself..lol

    Wonderful winter capture and fun interchange.

  9. This is awesome. I have been out of the loop the last few days, so I have been catching up on your photos. They are all great especially this one. I like the color and depth of field of course I am a fan of that. Did you get a new lens for Christmas or is that effect in your other photos from processing? I think its awesome. Happy shooting this week – and this new year.

  10. Thanks everyone! If you can’t laugh at yourself, who can you laugh at? Well, I guess I could laugh at someone else, but that’s not so fun or very nice. 😉
    Andy and John – I got the Lensbaby Composer. Tons of fun!

  11. Elizabeth

    that’s funny .. also something I would do, no doubt. 🙂

    I really love watching the snow fall onto this and yesterday’s images. Very appropriate and lovely.

  12. Lol..that happens even to the best of us…thank goodness for the edit function 🙂

    I really like the blue-ish tinge in the white balance…really adds to the coolness of the mood 🙂

  13. i love its blueness….