Category Archives: Buddy

It’s my carpet, but…


…the dogs think it’s grass.  Don’t ask.


Filed under Buddy, Buster, Lensbaby, photography



Buster is a kick in the pants.  Almost every waking moment will find Buster with one of four of these balls in his mouth.  If he could fit two in his mouth, he would be ecstatic.  And yes, we have to have four – one isn’t enough, because the boys keep losing them.  Buddy and Buster always want the same ball.  Doesn’t matter that all four are the exact same ball.   If the ball isn’t in Buster’s mouth, it isn’t  far away. 

Buster likes to think he is the alpha dog and tries to tell Buddy who is boss, but Buddy gently (mostly) lets him know he isn’t.  Buster is a sweetheart and loves to give puppy dog kisses.  He aims for your mouth and his aim is good.  Buster had his birthday sometime this month (don’t know the date) and he is one year old.  He’s a keeper.

PS  Did I mention he likes to chew?  Six pair of shoes?  And a checkbook?  And the bills?


Filed under Buddy, Buster, Lensbaby, photography

My Buddy boy


I haven’t posted any photos of Buddy for a little while – what’s wrong with me?  I took this image with the Lensbaby on one of the first days after I received it.  I like the soft focus it gives to one of my favorite subjects.  Maybe I should use it for a self portrait – it would make me look younger!  Not.  The sweet spot could have been a little bit crisper, but I like it anyway.  The eyes are the windows to the soul and my Buddy has very expressive eyes.


Filed under Buddy, Lensbaby, photography

Puppy dog trails


The snow is quickly melting, further emphasizing the trails my dogs have left through the snow.  One of the balls that Buddy lost while playing catch has been recovered.  Another day or so and the other one should be recovered as well.  You would think a bright orange ball would be easy to find in the snow, but the snow was soft and powdery enough that the ball sank and the snow fell on top, covering it completely.

In some regards I’m happy that the snow is melting – Buster doesn’t like the snow and playing catch is limited to about five minutes, so he isn’t getting the exercise that he’s used to getting.  I like the snow, though, so I wouldn’t mind seeing it last a bit longer.  I need to get Buster some booties, maybe that would help.  Do they make booties for dogs??


Filed under Buddy, nature, photography

Frosty Freeze


Friday morning while I was waiting for my family to show up I went outside in the snow with my dogs to play catch and found a frosty world awaiting us.  After we were done playing catch (it only took Buster about five minutes and he wanted to go back inside and good old Buddy lost one of the balls in the snow) I got my camera and snapped a few shots. 

I’m still playing with the Lensbaby and having lots of fun with it.  While my son was here, I took my camera out to document him doing the dishes, but he is a very uncooperative subject – no photos.


Filed under Buddy, Buster, Lensbaby, photography, sons